1. Respect people’s identities and experiences.
    1. We all describe ourselves differently and your use of a certain label might not be the same as someone else’s.
    2. Listen when others share their experiences instead of talking over them, especially when they are not your experiences and the person speaks as a member of a marginalized group you don’t belong to.
  2. Respect people’s privacy. Do not share anything from this server with the outside without explicit consent of all concerned members.
  3. Respect people’s boundaries.
    1. If possible, move conversations to more appropriate channels if other members ask you to do so.
    2. Before moving conversations to DMs, ask for consent to do so (this can be done on the server or in the form of a simple DM along the lines of “Is it ok if we talk more about topic x here?”)
    3. Use content notes or warnings for text as well as images (Here is how to mark spoilers on discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022320632-Spoiler-Tags- On mobile you can post images with !spoiler as the image description.)
    4. Graphic descriptions or visual depictions of violence, weapons, sex, nudity, substance use, self harm, genitals etc. should be spoilered. We don’t have a definite list of topics, so please listen to what other members ask for.
  4. Bigotry of any kind is not allowed. This is an all inclusive server. No bashing of gender identities, gender modality, racial or ethnic identities, age or disability.
  5. Be mindful of how you talk to other members.
    1. What you might want to hear from others is not always going to be what they want to hear from you. This applies to specific language like gendered terms but also to conversations that require a certain level of comfort and intimacy.
    2. There are no universal compliments. We all like and dislike different things about ourselves, so try to make sure you take the recipient's perspective into account.
    3. Don’t give unsolicited advice. It is always worth asking “how can I best support you?” instead of jumping in with advice or solutions.
    4. Many beauty standards are driven by ableist, cissexist, racist and mysoginistic elements in society. As a community, we strive to look past those standards. Let's remember that we are each beautiful, handsome, stunning, striking, cute, attractive, amazing, fashionable, cool in our own way, and are all deserving of praise and affirmation.
    5. Try to not frame negative feelings as facts. Feeling bad is normal, however self-loathing is discouraged on this server. There is a big difference between “I feel bad” and “I am bad”. Acknowledge the emotional reality that had the potential to change instead of framing those emotions as intrinsic and permanent. Self-insults don’t just hurt you but have the potential to hurt others around you.
  6. No spam. This includes excessive caps, yelling, multiple links, more than three images (we suggest you share the link to an album if you want to share more). The goal should always be to engage with others, not to leave large amounts of content even when there doesn’t seem to be any interest by others.
  7. All content of sexual nature needs to be posted in the appropriate channels in the 18+ category. Posing as someone who is 18 years old or older as a minor is a bannable offense and will not be tolerated for the safety of all members of the server. If you're not sure whether something you're sharing is okay for that channel, you can ask in the channel or contact the leadership.
  8. No excessive self promoting or advertising. This is not a dating server, personal adds and similar posts are not allowed (You can of course meet people and become close to them and start dating them if it is mutual but that is not the purpose of this server)
  9. If conflicts arise, ping the Leadership role or DM the ModMail bot at the top of the user list on the right side. Do NOT DM/tag individual members of the leadership.
  10. Conflicts will be reviewed by our leadership case-by-case. Please be aware that while members of the leadership investigate conflicts, temp-bans, timeouts, and other actions may be taken while we review the information.
  11. Please keep in mind the leadership team is made up of volunteers who want to enjoy the hangouts and server in the same way that all members do.
    1. Remember that when speaking with us there is a real human behind the keyboard. We're all reasonable people and we deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect as any other user in the server/chat.
    2. We are in constant communication with each other. If you get contacted by a member of the leadership, this person is your point of contact until someone else reaches out to you and you should assume that the rest of the team is aware of the conversation. Don’t contact a different member of the leadership if you don’t like what you are being told, don’t circumvent temporary bans or blocks. If you feel like a member of the leadership is abusing their role, we encourage you to reach out to a member of the leadership you trust.